
Southern Bahia

The inexplicable energy that emerges from the land, the music, the cuisine and the warmth of the locals make you feel at home. A complete immersion in unique and captivating living, integrated with different natural beauties. Millennia-old cliffs and archipelagos of “atolls” (small sand islands in the ocean) are surrounded by turtles, fish, corals and dozens of other species immersed in marine life.

Beaches that are among the most beautiful in the world are synonymous with tranquillity. The rustic charm blends in with the centuries-old architecture. Extensive lawns, imposing coconut palms and the chance to meet people are the welcome sights of the region where Brazil was discovered.

Just a few minutes away from the coast and the northeast breeze, you’ll wander down one of the region’s many rivers and come across the Pau-Brasil National Reserve. This untouched park, which preserves much more than a stunning tree typical of the Atlantic Forest, is a historical symbol that gave rise to the country’s name and is more than 500 years old.

In the south of Bahia, discover vivacity in words, in people, in secret and special destinations, in the blue of the sea and the green of the forest.

Arraial d'Ajuda

From an old village – made up of natives and fishermen, where few travelers ventured – to a charming and cozy town voted the “World’s Most Welcoming Destination”, according to the Traveller Review Awards 2024, with all the best things to do in the region. The pulsating energy there takes over the nightlife scene, giving even more life to one of the most beautiful streets in the country, according to “Casa Vogue” magazine.

People from all over the world come and go, enjoying the diversity of stores and businesses. Gastronomy for all tastes, with local, Mediterranean, Argentinian, Italian and Asian cuisine are the options for an unforgettable day. The bossa of this town is on every corner. Come and fall in love!


The glow of the moon in the half-light, the sandy floor and, in the background, the century-old church of St. John the Baptist are the perfect elements to create the setting for one of the most special places in the world. Add Bossa Nova and MPB to the soundtrack. Welcome to Trancoso’s Quadrado, where locals and hippies have shared space for dozens of years to create a unique atmosphere. Discovered years later as a destination for globetrotters, it has been carefully polished to welcome its visitors.

Children playing ball or adults gingering in capoeira steps are portraits of the simplicity of this community’s culture in line with the hype of commerce. Be enchanted by the local artists and artisans, by the fashion stores of the season’s coolest designers and by the smiles of these locals – who reinvent themselves every season to guarantee the freshness of novelty and refinement that only Trancoso can offer.

As well as being a central point for those arriving in this part of the Northeast, it is home to internationally renowned hotels and dolce far niente beach clubs, capable of surprising on every visit. This village is truly magical!

Uma casa de alto padrão à beira-mar com uma silhueta marcante que lembra um arco vertical preto sobre um fundo branco em Trancoso ou Arraial d'Ajuda.

Prestigiando as riquezas materiais e imateriais de uma região de importância histórica para o Brasil, a NAMPUR seleciona arquitetos e paisagistas renomados para colaborar com criações entrelaçadas aos destinos mais preciosos do Sul da Bahia.

Uma casa de alto padrão à beira-mar com uma silhueta marcante que lembra um arco vertical preto sobre um fundo branco em Trancoso ou Arraial d'Ajuda.

Honoring the material and immaterial riches of a region of historical importance for Brazil, NAMPUR has selected renowned architects and landscape designers to collaborate on creations that are intertwined with the most precious destinations in the south of Bahia.