Trancoso and the legacy of traditional festivals

The traditional festivals are an essential part of Trancoso’s identity. It is from them that the village recovers its origins and celebrates its culture. Throughout the year, various festivals are celebrated, each with its own particularity.

Uma reunião se forma ao redor de um poste impressionante adornado com tons vibrantes. Vários seguram a estrutura, enquanto um indivíduo usando chapéu marcado com uma cruz observa. Enquanto isso, duas figuras permanecem perto de outra cruz à distância, cercadas por árvores e sob um céu azul claro que lembra os ambientes de Trancoso e Arraial d'Ajuda, adequados a casas de praia de alto padrão.

Trancoso is transformed by the São Brás festival on February 2nd and 3rd


During the festivities, the contagious energy surrounds the entire city and its visitors, connecting everyone with tradition and spirituality. In these occasionsthe vibrant culture and beauty merge, creating a captivating atmosphere of joy and fellowship.

With São Brás and São Sebastião in particular, the village hosts the festivities that begin with on the eve of Saints’ Day, January 19th and February 2nd respectively. They are rich rituals, full of meaning and very similar.

Long live Bastião!

The São Sebastião festival in Trancoso begins on January 19th. The celebrations begin with the samba de couro, the traditional drumming of the region, which throughout the night sings songs that tell the stories of the village.

At dawn, the festivities continue with the search for the new sacred mast. During the São Sebastião festival in Trancoso, this mast is changed every year and adorned with new local paintings by the artist Valquito Lima.

Uma pessoa vestida de branco está pintando um objeto cilíndrico vermelho considerável com um pincel. Localizado ao ar livre, em meio a árvores exuberantes, ele parece totalmente absorto em sua tarefa. Imagine esta cena perto das luxuosas casas de praia de Trancoso ou Arraial d'Ajuda.
Em um ambiente animado ao ar livre, perto de uma pitoresca igreja branca encimada por uma cruz, em meio a uma multidão festiva, um indivíduo veste uma túnica religiosa e chapéu, enquanto outro ostenta listras e um cachecol amarelo. Esta cena vibrante lembra as casas de praia de alto padrão encontradas em Trancoso e Arraial d'Ajuda.

the São Sebastião mast is changed every year and adorned with new local paintings by the artist Valquito Lima

After the search for the sacred mast, the São Sebastião festival in Trancoso continues with lunch at noon, the procession mass at the end of the day and, finally, the exchange of the mast with the new flag of the honored saint, painted by local artist Damião Conceição.

When Trancoso wears blue

The São Brás Festival is similar to the São Sebastião Festival, both of which have the same program. The entire village is transformed during the festivities, immersing us in the rich history of the small village and its ecstatic festivities.

Beginning on February 2, the feast of São Sebastião paints the city blue

more celebrations

New Year and Festival of Kings

Uma luxuosa casa de praia em Trancoso apresenta um design marcante: uma elegante silhueta preta de um sol, seus raios ousados alcançando um cenário branco imaculado. A parte inferior deste sol artístico é criativamente escondida por um retângulo preto elegante. Da mesma forma, Arraial d'Ajuda oferece casas de praia de alto padrão que combinam estética moderna com arredores naturais.

In January, New Year’s Eve takes place, which grows every year and features a beautiful fireworks display behind the little church. In the same week, the Festa de Reis takes place on January 6th, a folkloric festival with samba de couro and boi-bumbá.

Iemanjá and Carnival

A vista de uma casa de praia de alto padrão em Trancoso revela uma silhueta alongada de estrela do mar de cinco pontas contra um fundo simples, que lembra o charme costeiro de Arraial d'Ajuda.

After the festivals of São Sebastião and São Brás, February sees the Feast of Iemanjá, on February 2, and Carnival.

São João

Silhueta de uma lanterna vintage exibindo um formato central semelhante a uma chama, acentuado com uma alça e base, que lembra as casas de praia de luxo em Trancoso e Arraial d'Ajuda.

In June, we have the famous São João, which also includes the changing of the flagpole. The festival also includes a variety of regional foods, forró, bonfires and lots of dancing.

St. Peter’s

Silhueta preta de um veleiro estilizado com vela triangular e casco curvo sobre um fundo branco, lembrando as luxuosas casas de praia em Trancoso e Arraial d'Ajuda.

At the end of June, there is the Feast of St. Peter, considered the patron saint of fishermen. It’s a modest festival, but one with great significance for the old fishing village. After that, Trancoso follows the national holiday calendar.

In Trancoso, traditional festivals are the soul of the village, reviving its origins and celebrating its culture throughout the year. From the vibrant celebrations of São Sebastião and São Brás to the lively festivities of New Year’s Eve, Festa de Reis, Iemanjá and São João, each event is full of energy and meaning.

These celebrations not only bring the community and visitors together, but also keep Trancoso’s rich history and cultural identity alive, making it a captivating and spiritually enriching place. Visiting and enjoying the village during Trancoso’s São Sebastião festival and other festivities is a unique and life-changing experience.

Uma casa de alto padrão à beira-mar com uma silhueta marcante que lembra um arco vertical preto sobre um fundo branco em Trancoso ou Arraial d'Ajuda.

Prestigiando as riquezas materiais e imateriais de uma região de importância histórica para o Brasil, a NAMPUR seleciona arquitetos e paisagistas renomados para colaborar com criações entrelaçadas aos destinos mais preciosos do Sul da Bahia.

Uma casa de alto padrão à beira-mar com uma silhueta marcante que lembra um arco vertical preto sobre um fundo branco em Trancoso ou Arraial d'Ajuda.

Honoring the material and immaterial riches of a region of historical importance for Brazil, NAMPUR has selected renowned architects and landscape designers to collaborate on creations that are intertwined with the most precious destinations in the south of Bahia.